Newark Anti-Violence Coalition

Addressing violence as a public health issue through social justice action

Our mission is to confront violence as a public health crisis and to diminish and prevent the spread of senseless violence in underserved, marginalized, and at-risk communities through the provision of support, education, advocacy,
and mediation.

Who We Are


Concerned and outraged about the growing pandemic of violence plaguing Black and Brown neighborhoods, The NAVC  became a broad coalition of Activists, Teachers, Principals, Lawyers, Revolutionary Members of the Blood and Crips, Social Workers, Progressives, Members of Churches and Masjids (Mosques), Community-based Organizations, Victims of Violence, Aunts, Uncles, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Fathers, and Concerned Citizens of the Community! July 20th 2009 made the call to begin a Social Justice Movement to help people who have been victimized.

What Do We Do

NAVC Services

NEWARK ANTI-VIOLENCE COALITION  provides the following victim centered services:


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